Reel Zombies (2008)
An original zombie movie
22 April 2024
I'm not keen on zombie movies. Zombies were a big thing for a short while when I was growing up, and I liked them then, but I think they had their day. Then they turned up again, with nothing very new to say, and this time they've stuck around. I suspect the low special effects budget they require is largely responsible for their current popularity among filmmakers, although there has been plenty of multi-million dollar additions to zombie cinema in recent years.

This movie is about filmmaking, particularly low budget filmmaking by egotistical, self-absorbed cretins who, as far as I can tell, are playing satirical versions of themselves.

In this movie, there is an ongoing zombie apocalypse, and the makers of (very real movies) Zombie Night and Zombie Night 2 are trying to make another zombie movie, this time with real 'wrangled' zombies. It's darkly funny, relentlessly self aware, and refreshing.

I still don't like zombie movies, but if Zombie Night or Zombie Night 2 swing by the free streamers some time, I'll check them out on the strength of this movie. It shows real (reel) innovation.

So I'm giving it 8 twinkly things.
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