23 April 2024
This was a somewhat fictionalised account of the relationship between King Gustav V and Kurt Haijby, a restaurateur and ex convict. It is also a truncated version of the several miscarriages of justice and outright persecution of Haijby by the Swedish establishment to prevent the affair coming to light.

The production values and acting in the series were good. Sets and clothing were excellent although there were some jarring dissonances. Haijby was sent to Germany before the war but the music accompanying his first night there, despite being an appropriate song of love and longing for the King, was in fact "Ich weiß es weird einmal ein Wunder geschehen" by Zarah Leander and was not recorded until 1942 and taken from the notorious propaganda film "Die Große Liebe". It really was an annoying niggle!

The actor playing Kurt really got into his rôle and underwent the full gamut of emotions and aging.

As an indictment of the ruthlessness and spite of the Swedish deep state, the series was spot on. Sweden's façade of democracy and openness has always been skin deep.

This is a definite recommendation.
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