Andromeda (2022)
A Great Actor in a Bad Movie
24 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This one is very hard for me to rate. Some elements are a 1/10 and others are an 8/10.

Tim Llewellyn is a great actor who was cast in this unfortunate movie. He deserves a much better film. As the main character Aiden, he portrayed true emotion. He didn't say his lines...he lived them. I don't know from what emotional well he was drawing from but I believe we saw sincere and true emotions in the film. And that's no small feat considering how absurd parts are the film are. He gets 8/10 for acting and I believe he is a future A-list actor that needs another film to showcase him.

Michael Dooley was also adequate and has promise. I wasn't a big fan of Tom Zembrod in this role but maybe a lot of my critique comes from the script and what he had to work with. He had a one-note role and his voice reminded me of Agent Smith from the Matrix. He also seemed uncomfortable with what to do with his hands. Other actors such as the shrink seemed unauthentic and very much like reading their lines and emotions not being genuine.

My critiques are many. The whole idea of the neural inhibitor made no sense. Is it basically the Metaverse? If you travel to the far reaches of what's in the VR goggles, is that actually what is out there in the universe? Or are we just killing people and loading their conscious into a videogame? How can this save humanity?

When the movie went to Metaverse it lost me. Some of the visuals were okay but they never showed faces. Other visuals looked very old school video game. The voices didn't really match the action. A few Terminator bots with laser rifles didn't really cut it.

This movie has one redeeming element - the lead actor. I really hope he gets a higher profile movie to showcase his talent.
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