Dead Man Walking
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This is a "Stud Ranch" production. Does that mean Blue Oyster Bar members had a hand in the making of this movie?

We start out with Ricky Gervais being pounded into ground beef by an Alien Ant Farm backup biker dancer who's ultra-hairy and lubes his leather in his own blood.

We're lectured about the 2006 movie 'Header' for some reason.

If you're going to perform CPR, then I suggest your heart's on the left side of the body, not your right. No wonder she couldn't be saved.

The movie starts out like some 'Saw' garbage with dead people and no explanation.

Is that Eric Bana?

I've enabled the subtitles as I find the Kiwi accent hard to follow.

The Road Warrior rises from the grave once more and scouts the baron wasteland in search of fuel, snakes, and hippie camps.

The movie strangely cuts in some Paddy's singing the Irish blues in a pub. By the end of the movie, you'll understand what all these cut scenes mean, but watching it cold turkey, it looks out of place and is not explained. They kind of tell the story backwards into leadups of how, what, or why.

Ivan Rebroff drives Agent Smith around while singing bluegrass tunes straight from Kentucky's heartland.

Is that Guy Pearce? Not more of this 'Proposition' garbage!

Ivan Rebroff pounds the already pulped ground beef victim, then reveals his kink - Stud Ranch - by tying him up and removing his eyes with no anesthesia. I didn't think he was really going to do that. If this movie were to end right now, then 30 minutes would do it justice.

I think after having your eyes extracted and nailed to a wall, you'd be in shock the next morning, not wandering around aimlessly like a nomadic road warrior.

Oh, they're doing these cut-back scenes in the lead-up business again.

Now he's pinned back up on the wall in one of Jigsaw's games again.

The eyeless road warrior tries to confess to the barrel of a rifle but can't bring himself to say ten hail Mary's or swallow the communion.

He looks like a fly who has encountered the swatter too many times.

Ivan Rebroff recaptures the eyeless road warrior, and I question what that scene was back then with the dog. Oh, they're doing that annoying retelling cut-back scene business again.

The eyeless Slipknot warrior is made to "dig your grave," then Ivan Rebroff fills in the blanks, and if this movie were to finish right now at the 51-minute mark, then that would do it justice as the eyeless road warrior is being buried alive.

Instead of allowing the viewer to go to bed, it then cuts back to the very start and explains the leadup to these burial events, all starting with the ultra-haired Alien Ant Farm dancer, who's a big boss drug dealer selling to first-time buyers who are meddling in the drug trade with no experience. I believe they were just after a baggy for personal use at a bargain, but the hairy fella only deals in bulk purchases and is insulted at their offer.

We then cut back to the eyeless Slipknot warrior, who claws his way out of a six-foot hole. Hmm, the Alien Ant Farm member had trouble digging the dirt as it was just dry clay, but the eyeless Slipknot victim makes his way out of the rich soil that I'd die for in my garden.

The eyeless Slipknot warrior just went to town on an unsuspecting shower victim very viciously, and his face looks like a piece of burned beef roast when I overcook it in the BBQ.

He then walks the plains in permanent darkness, and I'm guessing the person he stabbed was his dead girlfriend, as the silhouette had pigtails.

So that means Ivan Rebroff is still lurking out here somewhere.

The eyeless Slipknot warrior finds renewed vigor to live from reciting a psalm and runs through Kruger National Park, but that new lease on life soon turns to suicide for a second time, where he contemplates shanking himself with a sharp limb dagger.

I find it hard to believe he didn't cross paths with a deadly snake once in this movie.

What would be the perfect cherry on top for this movie is for the eyeless Slipknot warrior to encounter The Gimp and his two cohorts doing a similar number on Marsellus Wallace in that fashion.

The moral of the story is that the eyeless road warrior is recaptured again by a Danny Trejo lookalike and is gutted like Rosie does to fish in 'Point Break.'
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