Right in Front of Me (2021 TV Movie)
Janel Parrish & Marco Grazzini Make This One Worth Watching
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Just to correct a couple of errors in another review, Carly (Janel Parrish) is not a fashion designer and does not work for a "major firm." She does wedding dresses only and owns her own small business with one other employee. She did study fashion design in school but as the movie begins is not designing fashion. This is why she was so busy and why it was so rare for her to have a free weekend to visit the resort where our story takes place. One other error made by this same reviewer was when he said that after Carly's visit to the resort where her friend Sydney (Hilary Jardine) is manager and where Carly met Nick (Marco Grazzini), it was not three years later when Sydney invited her up again and they went to a new restaurant that turned out to be Nick's. It was actually three months later. Perhaps minor details, but nonetheless let's keep our story straight.

Since I'm already posting a review, I'll add that this movie had a well-written script and was well-acted by (almost) all concerned. I might make an exception for Anthony Konechny, who played Matt, Carly's crush from college, who she found out quickly was not worth pursuing. Konechny doesn't seem to be up to the acting task. I've seen him in at least one other film and thought he was equally subpar in that one as well. His facial expressions are generally bad. Brandi Alexander as one of the bridal party was outstanding as usual, here, as was Jill Morrison as the bride.

I can't find too much fault with this movie, though the ending was a bit rushed, especially considering how much time they devoted to the early and middle scenes. I really think they had enough time to spend more on the wrap-up if they'd simply condensed some of the earlier parts of the film. Nevertheless, other than time allocation, which could have improved the story, I still recommend the movie wholeheartedly. I just watched it for the second (or third?) time. Janel Parrish is so darn cute, and really a good actress. And Marco Grazzini is one of the best actors doing romance films today. Give this one a watch.
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