Heartland: Somewhere in Between (2018)
Season 11, Episode 11
27 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Grasshoppers in audience notice Mongolian shaman Altan gave Tim shadowman the tools he needed but could not ask for to heal himself with. He finally came clean with Casey and let love in instead of pushing it away. He sat at the grave of the mother of his children and let the darkness go. He found the bravery to let the light in to balance the shadow, and in doing so the DIS-EASE in his body balanced itself as well. Whoever wrote this episode knew what they were doing. The falcon, the string of Tibetan prayer flags in the shaman's van for travel protection, the whole premise of Atilla the wild horse they healed helping in turn to rescue Ty for Amy was magical. The opportunity of learning about horse lore of another culture was not lost. Too bad it was not used more often with Native American horse medicine as well. Chris Potter is a talented actor and director. Grasshoppers can see true-to-life dialogue more often in episodes he directs. Nice to hear things being spoken that dearly need to be heard. Namaste.
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