What about your fans?
28 April 2024
In all fairness, I'm only 1/3 of the way through E2. I'll be 53 this year. My FIRST rock concert was Bon Jovi in Alexandria, LA. It was the SWW tour. I think I was in the 10th grade. I had all the albums, I knew all the words to all the songs. I had posters on my wall. I'm just sort of understanding that Jon's voice and stamina was affected by COVID? Still trying to understand it. He keeps talking as if he still has to prove himself. Dude - you did it. A long time ago. It looks to me like you're doing too much. It's ok to retire and enjoy the success that YOU achieved. For yourself and for so many others. Your fans, especially your earliest fans, have the most amazing memories and respect for you and your band. You were the best. One of my most favorite songs was not one that was extremely popular, "Edge of a Broken Heart". It was on the soundtrack of an Ali Sheedy movie, I think. I didn't care for her or the movie, but I STILL love that song. Maybe when I get to the end of this documentary I'll see that you've lightened up on yourself? And maybe give more credit of the legacy you so desperately want to leave behind to your fans that will never forget the way your music changed our lives. I get that you made it big. You said yourself - there was no alternative. But there are still a bunch of littles out here who crank up your music and we've passed it down to our own children. I can't tell you the money I've spent owning YOUR music! The media changed so much! Cassette tapes, vinyl albums, CDs, mp3s, iTunes, Spotify, Amazon Music. It's insane how many times I've paid for your music. All worth it. Across decades and platforms. I wish you all well and you will always hold a special place in my heart. In MY life. I hope that means something to you. Godspeed.
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