Nothing new
28 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Nothing new that we didnt know - Jon doesnt wanna talk about the bands drug use or drinking - the subject was discussed very so lightly.

If you want to see a self obsessed narcissist man who is full of himself and talk about ME ME ME ME ME...then this is it for you.

We all knew Richie had issues within the band, esp with Jon the BOSS who runs a corp.and not someone who plays music - the musical direction Jon took the band is crap and it was rightfully so effected Richie.

Richie is a true rock n rolla - i firmly believe Jon along with John Shanks has ruined the band's music. Richie was such an integral part of the band and yet his screen time was so little.

Alec's death was not highlighted like it should have - it got maybe 20 seconds of screen time. However, to justify Alec's firing Jon took his sweet time explaining why THE BOSS had to fire him. Shame on you JON.

I will however still want to thank you JON for all the good music up until BOUNCE (minus the "I dont wanna follow trends" yet I made CRUSH) - You killed Richie's creativity.

Thank you Jon GOOD NIGHT.
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