Anthracite (2024)
Too much, too little - no, still much
29 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Too much ususal topics mixed in this series with usually commonplaces, but leading nowhere in the end. A killer cult with an honest but misunderstood leader, a benign mass killer, and a real killer, who is by the way pedophile. Almost everyone is insane or unstable at least. The evil pharma company is not a killer in the end. There was also a hateful priest, but did not do anythimg against the cule. The whole story line is confusing, with a lot of only purposedly mileading scenes.

The young lead actors did not grow up to the role. A musician does not actually can play. The director coped Ida of Barbie - too soon. We like funny French girls, but mot like this.
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