29 April 2024
I loved the characters, each disturbed in their own unique way. I think this is the first time I've watched a movie and found the bipolar characters actually believable. There's a complexity to them, with multiple mental conditions represented among the characters. It's like a bunch of unwell people just came together, with different issues and to varying degrees. It's not sappy or overly dramatic.

It all feels authentic because it doesn't feel blown out of proportion; you see some of the characters and think "oh I might actually know a person with that disorder." It made me think about some conversations I've had before as a joke about how everything is diagnosed in the west i.e. America. Africans don't do that lol. If someone if failing in school, back home we'd just say that guy's dumb, and not even with ill-intent usually, he's just your not-so-smart friend. But in America you'd say he has a learning disability. So you have all these things, anxiety, ptsd, OCD, depression, trauma, bipolar; but you'd just say oh yeah man, he's a little odd or moody without actually labeling it lol.

I loved DeNiro's character, I haven't watched too many of his movies but the ones I have he's usually a tough old nut, gangster or something, and here he was just a dad. The family dynamic, it was a bit all over the place with all the family's problems, but it was great to watch. The way they interact with each other. The characters were well-written, and while the story was alright, I think the characters are what make the movie.

The twist in the past 30min of the movie was unexpected for me, especially the way it was casually revealed about Tiffany. The moment before Pat realized, it's revealed to us first. I didn't know whether or not I was supposed to react to it because the movie doesn't make too much of a big deal about it when first shown. I also didn't realize how much I was rooting for these guys until the dance.

I'm really impressed with the movie, because on paper it feels like it should be boring. It's about two messed up individuals finding healing through a dance competition, but it works surprisingly well.
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