I deserve a medal for lasting 15 minutes.
30 April 2024
Well, these two gave me a headache. Their constant high pitched whining proved too much for me, i'm afraid to say. They were like to ultrasonic Banshees trying to outdo eachother and i'm afraid it did nothing for me whatsoever.

That ends the review.

I still have 350 characters left...So

A Glasgow lass went to the Dentist. He asked her to sit in the chair and before he began he said 'Comfy?'.

She replied 'Govan'. (ask a Scottish friend to explain that one).

The Girlfriend told me she wanted peace and quiet while she made dinner. So i took the battery out of the smoke alarm.

Bob Marley wasn't a big fan of Doughnuts, but he did like the ones with Jam in.
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