Review of Baby Reindeer

Baby Reindeer (2024)
Dysfunctionality and Abuse On Full Display
1 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Many people believe that some attention, any attention, is better than no attention at all. Eckhart Tolle wisely stated, "Technology amplifies egoic dysfunction." If you take a brief look around you, with all of the social media and people's insatiable need to be recognized, even if that means projecting a false self, they'll do it. They do it all of the time.

I can't think of any other series or film that brings true dysfunctionality to light; to see the abuse the people will endure. But more importantly, getting to the root cause of all abuse: lack of love of Self. The irony regarding abuse is that if you remove either the abuser or the person being abused, abuse cannot exist. And yet, so many people welcome abuse for even the smallest amount of validation and acceptance.

Donny Dunn is a struggling comedian. "Struggling" in the sense that he can't seem to land a decent gig, and also because, quite frankly, he's just not funny. Still, no matter how small the crowd, or how many times he's heckled, he continues to do it. Why? For just a glimmer, a taste, of being recognized. It's quite clear early on that this is a man who lacks self-esteem. He's incapable of speaking up or standing up for himself. The irony is that people tend to attract those who are most like themselves. If you're an unhappy person, you're going to attract someone who is also unhappy.

Enter Martha Scott, and obese woman searching for someone to be her "baby reindeer." If you stick around long enough to see the last episode, you'll understand the reason for this. She immediately grows fond and attached to Donny, and very quickly, Donny realizes that Martha is stalking him. Just like Donny, she's a woman who will do absolutely anything for attention and recognition. She'll fabricate an entire life to sell. Sound familiar? What do you think people do every day on social media? When Donny lets her know that he's not interested in her romantically, she snaps. And we end up on a whirlwind rollercoaster ride of two extremely dysfunctional people stepping in and stepping out. It's beyond sad. It's pathetic.

Donny finally ends up reporting Martha to the police, but he also continues to do things to encourage her because he's also addicted to her attention. The irony of this series is that both Donny and Martha are the perpetrators as well as the victims. The cycle of abuse goes round and round. Why? Because as I said, people with low self-esteem will endure almost any amount of abuse for attention or for the hope of not having to feel anything; to confront themselves and ask why they don't like themselves. People will lose themselves in drugs, alcohol, sex, or anything that distracts them from having to face themselves. However, as soon as the drug or distraction wears off, the problem remains. Such is the insanity of so many people trying to escape themselves and realize that it's impossible.

This is not an easy series to watch, but perhaps, some people might see a bit of themselves in Donny or Martha and, with some luck, just might be ready to ask themselves the important questions. Why don't I like myself? Why do I feel unworthy of being loved? Why do I abuse myself in this way?

Those who truly love themselves will never tolerate abusing others nor allowing anyone to abuse them. However, by the end of the series, I don't think anyone believes that Donny has really learned anything. He continues to be addicted to the attention, even if it's recordings of Martha's voice. This means that Donny hasn't hit "rock bottom" yet. Never underestimate hitting "rock bottom" because when that happens, the only direction left to go is up.
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