The Veil (2024)
Not worth anyone's time
2 May 2024
Not only this show not worth our time to watch; the final product isn't worth the time everyone put into making this garbage. Moss's character is laughably unbelievable as a supposed human lie detector/master manipulator/international woman of mystery. Moss has talent but is a terrible casting choice for this poorly written, completely unrealistic character. The other characters are so broadly and lazily written that they are all practically caricatures- the jokes about various stereotypes fall completely flat as the characters themselves are written as total stereotypes. The script is odd and many of the acting choices are puzzling, with this almost at times verging into a "buddy terrorist" (à la "buddy cop") adventure. The subject matter, while advertised like it's some new, groundbreaking, innovative content, is reductionist, regurgitated drivel. We can't do any better than the same crappy anti-terrorism schtick that's already been done to death? This project doesn't have one iota of creativity or originality and has absolutely nothing new to say. Do yourself a favor and skip it.
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