Bungo Stray Dogs (2016– )
Yo dawg, I heard you like flashbacks so we put flashbacks in your flashbacks...
2 May 2024
This series should be called Flashback: The Anime. It never stops. Constant visits to the past to explain something in the present. Over and over and over again it happens, to the point where it's less, "Ohh... so THAT's why that is!" and more "Jesus, will this story ever move forward?" There's even an entire season dedicated to this, and once you finally think it's starting to pick up and we have all the background info we need, there's another flashback. Some people might like this style of storytelling, I do not. It makes everything feel incredibly disjointed and is irritating to follow. For this reason, pacing is all over the place. There's a good show somewhere beneath it all, but you have to be far too patient to finally see it. Not until season 4 did things really start to come together, and after you sit through yet another flashback it's pretty decent.

Additionally, the tone of this show is very inconsistent. You have many serious, dramatic scenes. Some are perfectly implemented while others are so overdone you may as well be watching Naruto be all by himself sitting on that swing again. Throughout this, there's over-the-top goofiness smashed in with no logical or coherent transition. Countless other series also do this but is either built on it (not meant to be taken seriously) or done with tactful moderation. BSD is of the group that takes it to another level. There are clearly events not viewed through the lens of humor yet it will often make a random appearance at twice the intensity. You just have to accept that ridiculous chibi sprites which would fit in an outright comedy simultaneously belong with murder and brutal violence without a moment's notice. Furthermore, character interactions between warring factions are terrible. Who are the enemies? Who are allies? The answer is, whatever is convenient. Instead of the thrill of watching fully realized characters previously at odds now cooperating with one another for some greater purpose, you're left with incompetent attempts to appeal to that emotion. This isn't a spoiler because it happens all the time. There are also basically zero stakes because after a while you know who is going to win in every fight. There's nothing wrong in enjoying OP heroes doing OP things, but the tension this show attempts to create doesn't hit so nothing feels particularly important for most of it.

I don't want to give the impression there's nothing of value here. When things are done well it's spectacular. BSD is probably one of the prettiest, and most stylish series I have ever seen. Superb character design, gorgeous fashion, fluid/striking animation and overall visual glam. The stories that are told in these flashbacks are also done well, mostly. Especially when they don't sporadically insert cute nonsense into critical moments. There's a lot to like individually, but everything put together creates an amalgam of things that don't quite fit at a pace you can't really adjust to.

I enjoyed most of what I watched and will likely check out season 6. That said, if it somehow slips my mind and I forget that's okay too.
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