Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
The Bad Batch is my favority Star Wars TV series.
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The Bad Batch is my all-time favorite Star Wars TV series. It was really awesome to see the Bad Batch first introduced in the Clone Wars, Season 7, the first four episodes.

I love how these clones had a 100 percent success rate and how they thought for themselves, each one had special abilities, they disobeyed orders and had learned many tactical maneuvers that allowed them to win every time in battle.

They also had developed a close friendship as brothers. This was really awesome how they not only worked together but treated each other as friends.

Also, I preferred the episodes that focused on The Bad Batch and there interaction between them as brothers and their interaction with Omega. Then when we learn about Emerie, it makes you wonder there were any other clones like Emerie, female or male or both?

The only big disappointment I can state with The Bad Batch is when Tech died. This is my biggest disappointment because Clone Force 99 had a 100% success rate during the Clone Wars and the writers are saying they all of a sudden the team failed really big on a mission after the Clone Wars?

To have Tech die as a plot point to make things sad is simply put, stupid. This was the top special forces team of the Republic and to have one of the guys die while on a mission makes no sense.

The Bad Batch was a great example of brothers getting along and working as a team and making their own special family, so to speak. Therefore, having Tech die needlessly is a big disappointment and was a needless plot point.

There were also 16 episodes in Season 1 and Season 2 but in Season 3, there were only 15 episodes. That is my last disappointment, only 15 episodes in Season 3. Of course, I wish there were four or five seasons, at least. However, for the finale, they could have brought in more guests, such as Rex and his troopers, Fenec, Phee, Asajj and possibly even CID. But this did not happen.
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