The Defenders: Worst Behavior (2017)
Season 1, Episode 3
Os Defensores
3 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Os Defensores (2017)


1st Season

Episode Three - Péssimo Comportamento

I remember that when they released the second season of the Daredevil series, they criticized the performance of the actress who plays Elektra, so far I think she's very good.

What was that little speech from Luke Cage to Iron Fist?

Just because you're black and live close to Luke Cage can you work as a henchman for an evil corporation?

And whoever tries to stop him has to listen to an irritating monologue from him?

People hate Iron Fist, but so far I prefer him to Luke Cage, Iron Fist's lines sound artificial but I still prefer him.

The guys that Luke Cage beat at the end of the episode without hesitation probably also have a family and work for this organization, but since the majority of them are not black and don't even live close to the super protector of those in need, they deserve a beating, in short, hypocrisy.

Of the four, my favorite character is Jessica Jones, then Matt Murdock, then Danny Rand and then a giant abyss, then comes Luke Cage.

Without this little speech, I would give it a 10, because the episode was very good, I liked Elektra's origin as Black Sky, Jéssica Jones' core, but I definitely believe that I no longer have the patience for these hypocrisies, and look, I do, only 27 years old.

Oh, just one thing, at no point did I write that the henchmen at the end of the episode didn't deserve to be beaten, because they did, but if it's true for them, it also has to be true for the kid who was a henchman too, and it doesn't matter if he's black, white, blue , pink, if you live near Luke Cage, Santa Claus, Voldermort, Ash Ketchum, if you do anything bad you have to get punched.

Episode three of the first season of the Miniseries Os Defensores watched on May 3, 2024.

Rating: 9/10.
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