4 May 2024
A gypsy woman predicts, that Jill (Briana Evigan) and Jack (Tom Malloy), will achieve love in four days. So, you already know where Ask Me to Dance (2022), is going. This film has the normal, rom-com, modern-day, movie tropes, including meeting the bipolar girl, at the speed-dating event. When the old, gypsy lady meets Jack, she hands her cat to him and just before the edit-cut, it looks, much like, the cat wanted to scratch his eyes out. The casting choices in this film are weird. I don't get Tom Malloy as the leading man. He bites his lower lip too much and makes weird faces. And, how unoriginal to name your main characters, Jack and Jill. Mario Cantone (Sex in the City, 1998-2004) plays Jill's friend, Patrick. Briana Evigan is the daughter of actor, Greg Evigan, who for people over 45, know him from the TV-show, BJ and the Bear (1978-1981). After Mario Cantone, the biggest name in the film, with veteran-creed, is Joyce DeWitt (Janet from Three's Company, 1977-1984).

Ask Me to Dance (2022), feels like an expensively, long, college film. It smells like, the low budget, independent film variety of romantic comedies, that go straight to video/streaming. However, this dreary, independent, rom-com has moments strong enough to get an E For Effort, but it is a tough watch to see. DeWitt's character is head-scratching, with a weird, southern accent, mixed with a granny-type of Mrs. Roper, if she had a carry-permit. This approach to her character is so bad, it seems out of place. You don't really even like her much. Also, the dancing isn't that very exciting either and the film, ends like a wedding video. Who needs that? However, let's give credit, where credit is due, especially since Tom Malloy was pulling triple duty, as not only just the main actor, but also the writer/director of Ask Me to Dance (2022). It's also evident, that Malloy and Evigan give it their best with the dancing scenes. If Malloy had hired another actor for the Jack role, things may have worked-out better.

PMTM Grade: 4.5 (E) = 5 IMDB.
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