Really a Disappointment....
4 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
SO looking forward to this doc, and it's such a disappointment; Granted, some great concert footage, and unlike a lot of other docs, we get to see complete or nearly complete performances of the "Killer" in action. The problem is, it just turns out to be superficail and ultimately dull. I'm halfway through, and find myself going, "okay..and..so?". JLL, to my mind, is a very interesting character. Not only one of THE architects of Rock and Roll, but certainly one of its most dynamic performers ever, and obviously a huge influence on all who followed. So where's the story of that? All we get is concert footage and clips of him telling people that he had a lot of self confidence. But I think there's a deeper story here. They barely touch on his private life, his marriages, and in one scene we hear he "shot his bass player in the chest.". Excuse me? THAT'S not worth a follow up question? Just really surprised and disappointed that the film-which, BTW was directed by Ethan Coen, and produced by Mick Jagger-just ends up being superficial, and light weight. I learned way more from his Wikipedia page, and found IT much more interesting.....
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