Cute, quirky, and worth a watch!
5 May 2024
This show contains the absurd comedic chaos of adventure time with the pastel good-feel aesthetic of Steven universe. The first episode is a little weird if you haven't watched the original (free on YouTube, also highly recommend), but I hope that more people will give it a chance. I recommend this show as one that gave me a lot of joy, but also presented the difficult aspects of life in a relaxed, comforting and creative way. Each character has a background in hardship, some subtle and less explored, others undeniably heartbreaking, and the story doesn't really attempt to resolve these hardships (at least not this season) but there is an impicit attitude of acceptance in character interactions which makes the show sort of consoling. It is best to watch this show with relaxation in mind, as the plot is secondary to the atmosphere in my opinion. That's not to say the plot is uninteresting, as it is quite the opposite, and I am eager to hear the announcement of subsequent seasons to continue where it left off.

When I first watched this show, I thought it was Japanese because of the animation style and quality. In combination with the music and relaxed tone of the voice acting, the atmosphere of the show has no parallel. There are also so many cute and hilarious details that make a rewatch just as enjoyable. Overall, cannot recommend enough. This has become an absolute favourite of mine and I just can't get enough!
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