Fellow Travelers: You're Wonderful (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
worth subscribing for
5 May 2024
The first episode is a very good start, deftly combining a range of elements - repression of gays in the 50s, McCarthy communist witch hunts, the AIDS crisis of the 80s, even a bit about racism tossed in for good measure.

These elements are wrapped around a "love" story (not sure about that yet) between two very different people, with radically different philosophies - to be withdrawn and skeptical or to throw yourself into life with a whole heart. A good, solid theme likely to produce a worthwhile story.

This miniseries alone convinced me to subscribe to Paramount+, at least for a month. It's striking how little else the service has on par with this series, except for stuff I saw years ago. Maybe if they focused more on shows if this caliber and not cookie-cutter cop/doctor/lawyer shows, the company wouldn't be on the auction block now.
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