The Killer Downstairs (2019 TV Movie)
needs to be smarter
5 May 2024
Alison Peters (Cindy Busby) is struggling after her messy divorce. The former lawyer is stuck working at a big box store and trying to make ends meet. She decides to rent out her furnished basement to a family. James (Marcus Rosner) shows up without his family. They have split up and he's renting alone. Her harassing boss gets murdered.

This needs to setup a bit more with her husband and her lawyer job. Why not show her ex getting her fired and reputation destroyed? He could also be the first victim. As a lawyer, she should be better at handling such clumsy workplace harassment. For example, she could put her phone down to record the restaurant get-together and claim it as part of building his case. As a lawyer, she should know to be careful when dealing with the cops and she is jumping to conclusion quick. The movie is simply not written at the smartest level especially with Alison. It's frustrating to have her always a step behind.
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