Suits: Play the Man (2011)
Season 1, Episode 7
Star Trek is mentioned and honored in this episode... =D
6 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This episode with a fitting title "Play the Man" gets a 10 because Star Trek was mentioned right after the beginning credits. I found it interesting how well the Trekie connection went along with the rest of the story for both Mike and Harvey and them trying to do the right thing in the respective situations. Kobayashi Maru and the Captain Kirk mentions really fit with the episode.

Leadership, integrity, and facing challenges with courage are themes that come up a lot in Star Trek a lot and certainly did in this episode too. I really enjoyed seeing Harvey's smirk just after Mike leaves... it was right after he mentioned captain Kirk and Mike says Aye Aye captain. That was one of the best parts of the episode for me.

Later on I like how Harvey managed to make his situation a win win for everyone and how Mike gave up a silly mock trial in order to keep his friendship in order. Also great line at the end of Rachel saying Mike was a smart guy and that he could figure out why she expects more of him than the others.
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