Wild Heart (2023– )
Has its flaws, but DAMN...
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
My first ever review, so bear with me.

We all watch movies and series for our own reasons, according to our taste, depending on momentary feelings. Sometimes we need a comedy, other times drama, or some good sci-fi to blow our mind etc., and our opinion is greatly shaped by the expectations we have towards the piece we watch.

I read all the bad reviews, skipped most of the good ones, and started to watch the series without hesitation, because those ppl, who wrote the bad reviews, have totally different expectations, and a clearly distinct way of thinking from mine.

So, let's get on with it.

PROs: Firstly, my admiration goes to the brains behind all those butterfly effects. I love how they build them up, until the 'tornado' hits - again and again... How little moments and small decisions mount up to such huge events, however unrealistic they may be... I just love those brains.

(Oh, how I laughed at the twist of fate, that it was actually Alaz, who found his brother - even though Yaman takes the credit, he wasn't the butterfly causing that tornado.)

Secondly, my many thanks goes to the epic couple: they burn the lenses out of the cameras. The way they act and interact... hardly any 'hmm'.

Bertan Asllani (the Cheeky Golden Lion) and Rojbin Erden (the Lionhearted Innocent Goddess) act so naturally around each other most of the time, sometimes only their eyes speak, but DAMN, those looks could fill books. I've seen some epic couples, these two might even belong to the legendary kind.

They got a really good story, the way their relationship develops is quite unique. (Huge thanks to the writers for this, too. Mad story, but loving bad boys is part of our programming.) And her voice... and his voice... and their voices together... pure harmony.

Many - if not all - root for these two crazy (I mean, really CRAZY) kids to finally just be happy together.

Btw, when I say goddess, I mean Nemesis.

Oh, and he's marvelous at delivering the cheeky bad boy act, just WOW. Not to mention the gazillion percent eye-candy factor ;)

I accidentally bumped into this series, but I'm really happy I found it. I discovered such great actors and actresses, I'll watch out for their new works.

E.g. The above two amazeballs, than, Dolunay Soysert (Mama Bear) and Tayanc Ayaydin (Papa Bear). I just adore them, they have such sweet, good, kindhearted characters, their acting skills are great, their experience is obvious, and I especially love their funny scenes. (Oh, Mama Bear, the umbrella, the gun, the door... :D:D:D)

CONs: The 'Pfff, lol...' moments, when even I think, they are too much, they can't be this stupid/naive/idiotic, yet they are :S Not too many, but there are some. The pros outweigh the cons till now, but ep31, Mama Bear... (facepalm) I truly hoped, she was playing a long con, she couldn't be that gullible by now, yet... :(

Halit Özgür Sari (Mr. Judgy) and Simay Barlas, the main couple... Mr. Judgy is a great actor, too, but I'm sorry to say, his character is getting on my nerves. (I know, street kid, had to fend for himself etc.) He fancies himself judge, jury and executioner, without empathy, and that's baaad. There's only black and white, no place for grey. He acts without thinking, many times. His default reaction: protect=kill. He's obsessed with the truth and justice, than turns around and buries a body, because his gf supposedly killed the guy. One of the 'Pfff, lol...' moments for me.

He says the most painful, terrible things to the closest ppl around him, hurting them ruthlessly.

Rüya is not my fav in the series, but I do get her character, how it tears her up learning the truth about her pregnant mother.

Cagla, the Whiny and Cesur, the Troublemaker: the butterflies, that cause(d) many tornadoes. I didn't like these characters from the start, but great actor and actress. I know, no troublemakers=no troubles, still, I can hardly stand those characters by now.

Sebnem the Psychopath and Serhan, the Foul: the worse and the worst. Another great actor-actress duo, but they managed to do their evil thingies for too long.

I discovered Turkish series a few years ago, watched some by now, and I just resonate with them, maybe because our country was under Turkish authority for more than a century, and I see similarities in our way of thinking, but there are some huge differences, too: a) 'Nobody can change!' Oh, I'm so fed up with this line by now, but Turkish use it like a mantra. The perfect excuse for the weak to not even make an effort.

Firstly, every split second, with every decision, action, reaction, thought etc., we change little by little, which mounts up to huge changes over time. Think back 10 years, what were you like than?

Secondly, with enough willpower and determination enormous changes can be achieved. Those life-altering moments, when all goes to hell, moments of enlightenment etc., ppl can change even fundamentally.

But nooo, in Turkey, NOBODY CAN CHANGE!

OK, let's run with it (bearing in mind, that a person's fundamental attributes are set by the end of early childhood): by their way of thinking, Elif is bad, because she was a coward and a thief, Cesur is a hopeless case, according to Yaman's own words, and Alaz is an angel, because he sacrificed his whole childhood for his sisters, looked after them, even tried to take care of his mother.

However, from what we've seen till now, neither of the above is completely true, right?

B) When somebody hurts a member of your family, you just go and kill them. Say what?!... I hate the amount of stupid violence.

C) Some events - that would require some scenes to analyze - are never shown, while other scenes dragging on, who knows why. Turkish love it for some reason.

All in all: When I watch a movie or a series, I don't expect to be educated, or it to be realistic, on the contrary: I hope to be taken away from reality for a little while, and entertained on some levels. Sometimes I admire the actors and actresses, sometimes I love the story, sometimes the plot twists etc., I don't expect everything to be perfect in every possible way, and oh-so-real all the time. If I want reality, I look around, go out, or watch a documentary.

From what I've seen till now, many Turkish actors and actresses learn their skills from the best, or have some unique methods, because the results speak for themselves. The way they can look, how they use their hands, their whole body, they can talk without words. Many Hollywood stars could use some of their knowledge. It's truly admirable, what they can achieve.

Even though I was a perfectionist, if I find some admirable things in the series I watch, than I continue, and can overlook some mistakes - even the best movies of all times have some, I'm pretty sure. However, I draw the line when stories get recycled and/or the characters start to act idiotically, which often happens, when a series drags on for the money.

I mostly enjoyed the story so far, but I'm afraid, because it's a Turkish series. They tend to continue till they run out of money, or the ratings get too low, or whatnot, than end abruptly, without properly finishing the story, or with a quick, horrible ending. (Sry, I'm all for happy endings, girls are programmed to prefer them, except the ones with faulty hard drives.) So, I'm afraid. I watched only finished Turkish series till now, and read reviews beforehand, thus I didn't get a bad surprise in the end, but I just couldn't resist this one.

But now, I'm afraid. The signs of the story dragging on are there: characters acting stupidly or out of character; after some development, characters returning to base settings... I've seen all eps till now, and the last few were somewhat disappointing. I'm also afraid of the cliche-mill, that I can almost make out in the fog surrounding the upcoming storyline. I prefer a nice, well thought out (happy ;) ) ending. Still, I didn't give up hope just yet, and we'll see, I guess.
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