Yeah I'll use a shadow clone as a diversion. Bummer.
7 May 2024
Dumb writing, like bro wtf? If you wanted to show-off your new technique, at least write it into the story somewhat logically. It was predictable writing at its finest. The writer just wanted to show-off Naruto's new jutsu by disregarding the situation he was in. And it was a painfully dumb way for what was his name.. Hisuku or kazuku to get defeated. I've already been disappointed so many times with the generic writing but this is taking things too far so I wanted to review. I can't believe this episode has an 8.9. Trust me when I say this, I'm not a Naruto hater, i just can't find the greatness in it as many claim (so far). If I was a downright hater, I could have just down-rated it. Best example of Sacrificing quantity for quality. I liked the previous episodes much better.
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