DearS (2004–2005)
Nothing great nothing bad just Meh
8 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Hello Fellow Humans,

First things first the main male character is a complete and total A-Hole and a garbage human. He is rude, disrespectful, annoying, angry, etc. He makes a big deal out of everything. He honestly makes this show hard to watch. I am fine with the nudity and whatever. She clearly needs to be taught how to do everything. So getting mad at her for trying is horrible. He tells her to do something and when she literally does it he yells at her. Like when she gets wet from the shower and has her clothes on. He says get undressed so she does. He yells at her because he is standing there while she undresses it makes nonsense. She is doing what he asks but literally. She hasn't grown up in human society so she doesn't know things like get undressed means what he wants it to mean. Also it's a body don't a big deal. That's the issue is people make the human body way bigger deal than it.needs to be.

DearS is about a species of aliens who got stuck on earth. They of course are attractive and for some reason they landed in Japan and no other country seems to mind. Because the USA or China would never do anything if this were to happen. It has funny moments and happy moments and a lot of annoying things as well. First I have watched a ton of anime. I would probably be considered very knowledgeable. So I know this is a cartoon and not real life but when people draw cartoons they put real life into it. For example men in Japan if you look at anime are for the most part extremely shy and either nice or mean. Women in Japan are either smart or idiots and they fall in love with anyone quickly. Apparently women are super desperate and sexual while men are not sexual and run away. Again I know this is a cartoon. But with all the anime I watch this main male character is just a run of the mill anime male. He is embarrassed and rude to the alien girl. So much so in episode 2 he yells at her to go away and doesn't even bother to look for her until way after he was rude. I truly hope men of Japan aren't like this. Because that's just sad but maybe it is why Japan has the highest rate of marriages to the USA. If their men are so shy they can't talk to the women and they can't share their wants and desires and they are either mean or submissive then I get it. It seems that anime is a way to express cultural issues and things they want changed maybe. I just personally don't get it. If a beautiful alien or human woman fell into my life I would never be rude to her. I would help her and I would not yell at her. Also what is with Japan's fear of nudity with men? They all have public baths yet in Anime either the men are extremely uncomfortable seeing a woman or they can't stop looking. With the women they either like being looked at or they beat up someone looking or scream. It's just a body, don't freak out. If someone accidentally sees you don't beat them to a bloody pulp and if you see someone then take a mental photo and then without making a big deal look away and say sorry. But don't make a big deal of it. It's like with children you make a big deal when they bump their head they cry but if you don't they don't cry. Overreacting doesn't help anything. But yeah this show has all the classics in it so the show for me is just okay. It isn't anything special but it isn't horrible either.

This show reminds me of horrible parents who yell at their 3 year old like they understand as an adult. It's like seriously they are 3 years old they don't understand what you are saying. This guy needs to treat her like a child and help her. Dress her. Bathe her. Show her how to do the basics. You don't have to be a creep and make things weird. Just be helpful and not make things like her running around naked weird. Just say on earth we wear clothes in public. Then show her what clothes are. Again the show is fun to watch but the main male character is just so so so so so annoying. He makes this show hard to watch.
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