The State of the World
9 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I personally don't know why everyone doesn't give it a 10. The world is in a horrendous mess due to the powers that be cracking down on freedom of speech. The film blatently shows totally disrespect for human life and Law. Country constitutions to protect the citizen don't seem to be worth the paper they are written on.

We are surrounded by people trafficking, democide, genocide, animal cruelty, and many other truly abhorrent actions. This film clearly shows a person's journey and the many governments' vindictive torture of a person who believes in REAL journalism.

I personally feel I have a right to know if soldiers are killing people with cameras that they think are guns then laughing about it. It's totally outrageous, unbelieveable and no one has been held responsible.

We really are at a crucial time where people need to stand up for 'Freedom of Speech' and 'The Truth'. I don't care if it was 2 hours 8 mins, that's a drop in the ocean compared to the time Julian has been incarcerated.

Unfortunately as with many documentaries on Human Rights it will most likely only be seen by people who have followed Julian's story or people who care for the future of the children and planet.

I wish I knew how to oust the nutters in charge of the world.

I wish more people cared instead of burying their head in the sand.

One of the best spent 2 hours 8 minutes of my life.

Free Julian Assange!
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