New Life (I) (2023)
Everybody needs to see "NEW LIFE"...!!!
10 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
John Rosman's "New Life", however, is cohesive, visually stunning and highly entertaining from beginning to end. The first-time filmmaker, who wrote and directed the 85-minute thriller, makes everything feel sneakily grandeur & his directorial approach and messaging is something out of the box... At the half past Rosman frequently shifts gears to keep them in a loop so to speak, trapped within the brutal truths of their earthly existence & so do humanity still exists on pure manner ...

Cinematographer Mark Evans create an epic feel while keeping the action on the ground & still maintains the first half pace with some beauty of the nature with such a professional work that it makes us suddenly dumb of what is going to come in the 2nd half which is not possible without the contribution of editing that's brilliantly carried by editorial department...

Sonya Walger and Hayley Erin each give great performances, providing emotional layers through every aspect of their body language... The twist brings everything into emotionally resonant focus, showing how our two characters were more similar than they were different...

The most ambitious and effective filmmakers understand what general audiences pulse & Rosman builds to a powerful resolution and ideal ending moment in New Life, using gore and traditional methods to escalate the tension & there by keeping audience in a loop...also A gentle but deathly reminder of who's in control, a tease of what's to come...

Overall "New Life" feels fresh and innovative, presenting a mix that works so well that it's a wonder no one ever tried to do something similar before...
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