So bad it's great
10 May 2024
Holy moly if you like bad movies - you need to see this. Characters come and go, half the shots are blurry, the dialogue seems to be written at random and nobody replies to what the other person just said, plot points make no sense (they leave then want to go right back to where they left), the bad guy catches up with the dude he wants to kill and instead just pushes him and then in the nexy scene talks about how bad he wants to kill him, fight scenes are edited so poorly you cant tell whays happening, the credirs list the same person twice for the same character, some parts randomly have title cards and then they stop, and its basically a remake of the warriors with 2 dudes and zero budget so every part is worse, plus it ends with a 2pac song that they def did not get the rights to.

Oh also they have some dude do a video review of the movie at the end for you so you know what to think, like its part of the runtime and movie itself. Shocker - he liked it. Plus the review here that gave it 10/10 is clearly the director since the username is spade1cs or something and the creator is named eric spade, and its full of bad grammar and poor writing just like the script.

If you like RLM or bad movies in general - you need to see this. His other flick japanesd borscht is on tubi but this one is $5 on prime and worth every penny in laughs alone...
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