"I'm going back one day to see her. Maybe I will die trying"
12 May 2024
Recycle of Planeta bur (1962) with a few blonds tossed in.

Fun Sci-fi travel to Venus movie. We start with plastic replicas of spaceship concepts of the time. The one(s) going to Venus have to stop halfway there to refuel, as they keep their burners on all the way. When they get there, they get to explore all the wonders. There are trials and tribulations. One visitor narrates the bulk of the story. This visitor also thinks there is life on Venus and keeps telling us about it. But you and I know that there is no such thing as a bevy of wet blonds.

When our technology catches up with this movie, I want to be the first to go.

As I want my own bevy. The 1968 types.
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