Death in Paradise: Dishing Up Murder (2016)
Season 5, Episode 6
12 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Here a master chef is bumped off, and of course all fingers point to pretty much all the suspects. A character by the name of Jackson appears, and he was was played by Danny John-Jules's son, Dante Langlais John-Jules.

One thing as a long-time fan of Death in Paradise, I wonder how the Saint Marie police take the photos of the ring of suspects for their whiteboard, Quite seriously, at the crime scene do they kindly ask the suspects to calmly pose for the whiteboard init, I don't quite get it really. Anyway, more credit should also be given to the two paramedics who turn up at the crime scene. They play a pivotal role. Also you rarely see a funeral held for the victim init.
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