I expected David to return in three days and reclaim his car.
12 May 2024
The film features the voice of David Koresh "Vernon Wayne Howell" taken from 247 FBI tapes recorded during the siege.

You can still see the site where plaques are showing where you're standing, as the chapel area, the men's dormitory, and the vault.

The presentation is a tad more inclusive or has time to cover more history of David to the point that is more of visual biography. Some scenes are portrayed by actors as there was no way to be there filming. We get the meaning of the name "David Koresh" (and how to pronounce it.)

We now go into sound bite mode with various presenters that give about 10 seconds of information accompanied sometimes by cartoons.

A pretty good consistent and concise presenter is dick J. Reavis, a reporter for the Dallas Observer. Showing that the ATF needed to have a raid so they would look good for funding purposes. So, they designed "Operation Trojan Horse." This is supported by Keith Constantino of the ATF Raid Team.

You can tell how it is going to go when the ATF indiscriminately shot the dogs before even being greeted. Reminds me of The Wicked Witch of The West "I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!"

Yep, everything is playing out as predicted. Phil Arnold (Bible Scholar) offers FBI help and we know their response.

Things heat up then we see "Viewer discretion is advised." Naturally, a Branch Davidian was criticized for saving one of the dogs the FBI did not get a chance to shoot in the beginning.
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