Pretty bad and crass, something I watch with family
12 May 2024
This is wierd one to talk about. I like this movie and find it funny but at the same time it seems a bit amateurish and the second half feels rushed. Stay for the jokes and forget your watching a by the books story.

A man with a high end job gets into a drunk driving accident and ends up doing community service at a recycle station. Here he finds real friends and learns about himself.

The actors are what carries this movie. They sell thier charecters and jokes and without them the movie would be downright bad. The commitment for every part envolved is what works.

The story is incredibly cookie cutter and predictable. The moral is predictable as well but works for the movie. The movie is a bit too busy creating needless conflict sutch as the classical "someone hears something they shouldn't" or "annoying the boss", it's over done tropes and forced. The romance is also incredibly forced and adds nothing to the plot.

The first half works fine as a movie but the second half is rushed the movie all of a sudden just resolves just because and your left shrugging at the rushed conclusion.

Some jokes really work here because the actors understand how to deliver them. We have the high-end ritch kid who talk over the head of everyone. The girl with a lively Imagenation, the idiot and one with anger issues. Everyone has thier time to shine and thier kind of humour. Some jokes really don't land because it's vulgar jokes for vulgar sake. Those parts never really land.

The edeting is a bit off sometimes with wierd jump cuts but overall fine.

This is in no way a masterpiece but a "it is what it is" movie. It works for what it sets out to do with funny and great preformances but never becomes more than that.
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