Fallout: The Beginning (2024)
Season 1, Episode 8
The Beginning
12 May 2024
A lot of people would argue that we're living in a Golden Age for video game adaptations, and with the releases of "The Last of Us" and now "Fallout," one could argue that they were right. It's only a few years ago that a new video game adaptation was doomed from the start, but they've proved that a lot can be achieved through solid storytelling. This final episode rounds out a season-long arc and sets the stage for exciting things to happen in the future, and it's one of the more exciting finales that I've seen in a while, because of some insanely fun writing.

In this post-apocalyptic world, it's great to see that the writers are taking such a personal angle to the bigger picture. The episode's big twist could have easily been effective on the merits of what it means, but because of the personal connections between these characters, it takes the big scale of everything and turns it into an intimate discovery of treachery and betrayal that has big impacts on these characters, especially Lucy McLean, who has gone through a huge character journey throughout this show and is spun in a direction that will surely make for an interesting dynamic in future seasons. And the personal angle is featured in all the individual storylines that come to an exciting climax in this episode, but despite some characters ending their arcs in triumph, the episode has a constant somber tone throughout. It's a deliberate choice for sure, and it works wonders, because there's a lot of unfinished business to attend to before this world can have a happy future. The adaptation here has gone beyond a simple adaptation of the games, and have used the intricacies of an incredible world to form their own story and it certainly shows that there's a medium for everything, because as a show, this has the opportunity to do so much. It was a delight following it, but seeing where the finale ended up and how it sets the stage for the future, it's a show that I will definitely have to keep up with when it returns, hopefully very soon.

"The Beginning" certainly feels like the beginning of a new chapter that will jump off of what this episode gave us, which was pretty perfect. The personal angle makes it all work, and despite the fun of the big scales and the action sequences, it's the characters and their struggles that keep us coming back.
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