Milady 2023
13 May 2024
If you've never read the book you may find this movie somewhat enjoyable.

But if you love the book as much as I do, you will absolutely hate this so called 'adaptation'.

They made a total mess out of the plot. It's so bad I have no words. Multiple completely made up characters and plot lines.

So little of the actual story is in this film that it makes no sense to list what they changed, it would be easier to list what they actually kept from the book.

Basically- they took the title and the names of the characters.

It truly is a pity. The production had a decent budget. The sets are great, the cinematography is good. Some of the costumes are nice. And that's pretty much all the positives. The script is simply ridiculous. The writers must have thought they are better than Dumas. SMH.
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