Nightwatch (1994)
A little all over the place and unfocused but power through and it's a good time
14 May 2024
I noticed a sequel had recently come out for this film (almost 30 years later) and so I thought I should finally get around to seeing it. It is mind-blowing to me that this film had better box office numbers in Denmark than 'Jurassic Park'. Talk about a country getting behind its own film. The film itself is a strange one. It's an entertaining film and it has a lot going for it, but it is a little unfocused and all over the place at the same time.

At about the 45 minute mark of the film I realised I didn't actually know where the film was heading. We were spending a lot of time with the characters but the plot wasn't really advancing - or even presenting itself. Then there comes a point where all hell breaks loose and the film kicks into overdrive. It's a furious dash to the finish line from there in.

Films in the 90s were so great. Even when they weren't perfect they found a way to be endlessly watchable. There's also a dark grittiness to this film that we just don't really see anymore. I enjoyed this one and I'm looking forward to seeing what the sequel has to offer. 7/10.
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