eX-Driver (2000–2001)
"Iwa iwa, tsuini atashi wo koero otoko ga arawareta!"
14 May 2024
PLOT - In a world of AI-controlled driving, a police force with 2 professional female teenagers drive gasoline-cars and prevent faulty vehicle-related incidents. Soon, a kid joins the job on a cliché 6 episode series (+ Movie).

The premise is REALLY simplistic, and the lack of imaginative world-building (specially for the time), leave a lot to be desired. Also! If there's something I don't like in a script.. it's shallow dialogue and pointless interactions. With lots of time-wasting scenes, lack of logic, and annoying comments from character make for a frustrating watching experience. Still, the animation is quite good! Though the constant change in camera-angles destroys the flow of the movement, which detracts from exciting speedy-car-movements. In the hands of better direction, these could have been memorable (Riding Bean from 1989 comes to mind)! But all together provides a generic and forgettable short series.
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