I was cackling so hard- easy and playful entertainment
14 May 2024
This movie is so funny that I had to look up who the hell had written it while I was cackling. It's freaking hilarious.

And if people weren't so absurdly offended by kids cussing, this movie would have had way higher score.

Kids saying words that the church has labeled as forbidden because they pertain to the churche's definition of sinful subjects- it literally has no impact on the world whatsoever.

Go protest something that actually matters- like there being low to no penalty for harming kids. Stuff that actually does make the world about place.

Someone commented that this movie makes a joke out of the black culture and portrays them poorly. A part of that reason why, he said, was the the movie 'screamed fatherless' when you saw how the kids behaved. How the heck is that a 'black culture' thing and not a father thing?
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