Unbalanced investigation and movie
14 May 2024
Dr Carey seemed like an interesting character to start with but ends up being too superficially written. He first looks more like a buoyant playboy then it quickly appears he is more interested in settling down at the same time as he jumps on the opportunity to investigate a case all by himself rather than just helping the police. Or maybe he is falling in love but doesn't want to show it. Either way it is sadly a badly written character.

I don't know if Blake Edwards later elaborated on the constant studio interference but this should have been deeply re-written before going into production. For all his action coolness James Coburn cannot be credible as a love interest... or he is really badly directed here as to appear detached when dating.

On top of that the investigation he leads is quite boring. Cardinal mistake: the viewer is one step ahead of him as the storyline meanders before he decides to confront the next person of interest. Very sloppily written again: the interrogation of the mother-in-law flutters while it had the goods to be a great scene; the interrogation of the coed is very cringe-worthy. And then all is reveals in a speedy confession at the end. As one reviewer mentioned: be prepared to rewind to get the details!

Botton-line: not very convincing thriller despite disparate assets (James Coburn who could have been better as an actual draft for House MD, Jennifer O'Neal, abortion depending on doctors' convictions, managing a medical institution for profit...).

Fortunately Michael Crichton learned from this and delivered a great thriller on the same grounds with Coma 6 years later.
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