The comedy didn't work a lot for me but the familly stuff was fine
14 May 2024
It was late and i was already a bit tipsy, and i decided to pick into my old Netflix watchlist to find something to watch. I was feeling more light hearted comedy and this one wasn't too far down the list and looked the part. Sure we are in May but whatever. Won't be my first Christmas Spring film this year.

So basically you have 4 sisters, and one of them is hosting for Christmas in her familly home that happen to be more of a mansion than a house that was inherited by her husband. They are pretty much a disfunctioning family to begin with, but it happen their father who have left decades ago show up to add to the mix.

On paper that sound great, but in execution, can't say the same. The main issue is the movie never really find funny situations to put the characters in, and when it does, its not that funny. Every sisters have their personality and at least 3 out of 4 are developped well enough, and they do have their "rivalries" but it comes out more as bickering than anything else.

There is a few situation that attempt to go for comedy but it didn't really worked for me. Its like the movie couldn't decide if it wanted to be more of a family drama or a comedy, and kinda failed to deliver on both.

Ironically it seem some parts were inspired by Christmas Vacation, but obviously it can't touch it.

I know this review sound more negative than positive, but the movie is really not terrible. Especially not as bad as some other reviewers want to make it to be. Its definatelly not a 1 or 2 out of 10. For me it was just plain average... just "ok". The story did interest me, but it lacked many typical aspects of a comedy or even a romcom to truly sink me in the movie.

There is better options on Netflix for sure when it comes to either romcoms, comedies in general or even Christmas movies, but its if you watched a lot of them and are bored, maybe it will do it for you.
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