Dark Waters (2019)
A Real Stinker My Advice Skip This One
14 May 2024
Do yourself a huge favor and watch Erin Brokivich instead.

I never understand how producers think they can get away with this drivel. Its not even unique. There have been dozens of films on these types of subjects that are so much better.

Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway were stunningly awful. Mark is all hunched over, trying to channel Paul Giamatti. It did not work. And Ann Hathaway- why was she even in this film? No back story into their relationship, as an aside she mentions she was a receptionist but adds later she was a lawyer- why? It had absolutely nothing to do with or propel the story at all. Her main purpose is to whine that the husband works too much and to be pregnant. Despite her freakishly enormous doe eyes, her performance is as riveting as watching paint dry.

The gruff farmer victim Tennant is the worst acting I have seen in a long while. His character is ridiculous! He elicits zero sympathy, not good for a victim character. He looks like he's 90 and has 2 teenagers? You need captioning to understand what the heck he's grumbling and mumbling about. Awful.

Bill Pullman, Mare Winningham, and Tim Robbins are totally thrown in and not used well. A waste. In fact when I saw they were in it, it made me decide to watch it. Trust me, they did not help.

The timeline doesn't add anything to the story. Why have it? Making me do math while suffering through this isn't winning a fan.

I get it that this was a huge deal at the time. But people are still using Teflon and DuPont remains in business as far as I know. I am sure all these attorneys saw $$$$$ when they decided to sue DuPont. The movie wants to make you believe the firm was against suing them. Rrrrright. No way lawyers did anything out of the goodness of their hearts or risked their careers. Please.

Also: It is Way too Long! I admit I stopped watching at the 39-minutes-remaining mark. Came to IMDB and was shocked people are rating this 8-9-10!!!! What are these people watching to compare?? Like I said, many films before have done this subject well such as Erin Brokovich. Or for petes sake Silkwood if you can find it!
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