The Shining (1980)
Good but the Book is Much Better
15 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
It's a good movie overall with great directing and incredible performances. However the book is so much better. The movie changes so much and almost every single change makes the story weaker. I never got the sense that Danny and Jack ever loved each other in this version. I really missed the internal monologues of the characters and they easily could've been done with voice over. Killing off Hallorann like that was down right disrespectful to how important he was in the book and how vital he was to saving Wendy and Danny. Jack's death by freezing was a stupid change and pretty anti climactic. The hotel burning down was a much better ending. I did like the addition of the creepy girls in the hallway. I thought it added another cool element as Danny was connecting with the children of the previous caretaker. It has great horror scenes and the tension especially during the third act is fantastic. It sounds like I hate this movie but I don't. It's still pretty solid especially for a horror movie but I was hoping to like it more.
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