Getting a rougher deal than it deserves
16 May 2024
Movie fans and critics are funny people. When they like a film they will say it was "inspired" by such and such a film. When they don't like a film they will say it "rips off" such and such a film. When watching 'Killer Book Club' I thought to myself many times that certain scenes were clearly inspired by 'Scream' or 'I Know What You Did Last Summer'. I never thought it went far enough to be considered ripping them off. Maybe that's accurate (I certainly feel like it is) and maybe it's just a case of me enjoying the film more than most others. I can't be sure, but what I do know is that this film is getting a rougher reception than it deserves.

The film is not without its flaws. The character were a little too unlikable at times. I understand in a film like this they have to unlikable in a way, because otherwise they couldn't be considered suspects in the whodunit. I do think you can illustrate someone is a bad person while still being likable to the viewing audience though. In fact this was one of the things that 'Scream' did so masterfully. It should be said that it's not an easy thing to pull off mind you.

There was plenty to like as well though. I thought the killer mask was very good. The pacing was excellent throughout. I rarely found myself bored or in a lull. All I'd say about this one is that you should make up your own mind. 6.5/10.
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