Review of Abigail

Abigail (2024)
Wasnt bad at all
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This was not bad at all. Abigail was pretty damn excellent. The ending sucked but other that it was entertaining and funny as hell. Couple problems though. Like when she turned the blonde chick. They couldve easily busted out the wall in that room. You could see outside lol. But for what it was ot was alot of fun. I think im gonna get stoned and watch it again. I wouldve actually paid to see this movie if i ever had to pay to watch a movie again. The ballerina stuff was funny as hell. Anyone giving this movie a 1 is a complete fool. Was good to see old Gus acting again. Too bad he only had a small part. Hopefully there will be an Abigail 2.
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