The Dead Files: Starvation Heights (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
18 May 2024
What I love about this uniqie series is it not only dealt with bizarre paranormal cases, it occasionally explored real-life homicide cases. This one is totally off the charts.

Steve and Amy head to a rural town in Washington state where a teen and his friends have been conducting seances and apparently contacting dead spirits. What they conjured up was the spirit of a homicidal maniac who was posing as a doctor on their property about 100 years ago.

The case centers around a family who moved into a new house, leaving their empty old house next door (for reconstruction) where there are lots of dead people. Doing her walk-through, Amy encounters a crazed dead woman whose focus is solely on killing living people, hence all the trouble this family is experiencing. The other spirits on the property, according to Amy, are this woman's poor victims who are still suffering the trauma they went through prior to their deaths.

Always the best part is Steve's in depth research which ties the case together. What he discovers is the woman who once owned the property set up a phony practice as a doctor or "healer" who would lure sick people to her, especially two British sisiters who had inherited a fortune. In order to "cure" her patients she would literally starve them to death, the plan being to starve various diseases out of their bodies! How it ended in most every case were her patients starving to death, and the phony doc writing up bogus death certificates to cover her crime. Additionally, there were some patients who were even encouraged to commit suicide. Amazing.

In a stunning reveal, Amy concludes this woman was a psycho serial killer in disguise, and even in death, is determined to kill more. The good news, if there is any, the woman eventually was exposed and stood trial for murder.

Amy concludes the family has no choice but to physically tear down and destroy their old house as there is no escape. Will they take her adivice?

A terrific early episode that's both interesting (from a criminal standpoint) and scary. Excellent job by Steve and Amy.

SEASON 2 EPISODE 3 Travel Network. Rebroadcast 2024.
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