Vera Ralston plays a woman who can barely speak English...so the role was perfect for her.
18 May 2024
During the late 1940s and into the 50s, Vera Ralston was the star of many Republic Studios films. She was from Czechoslovakia and her command of English, especially in the earlier films, wasn't great. So you might wonder WHY...why make her the studio's #1 star? Well, she was also the mistress of Herbert Yates...the man who ran the studio. As a result, she was cast in many films...many of which just didn't suit her talents. Here in "Fair Wind to Java" she plays an Indonesian lady...and it honestly is better suited to her language skills, though seeing her painted brown is a bit sad.

It is unusual to see the male star of the film, Fred MacMurray. He'd been with Paramount for years and was one of their bigger stars....and, at one point, the highest paid actor in Hollywood. So why would he essentially be slumming it in such a film for Republic? I have no idea...perhaps he somehow thought it would be a good idea. Perhaps someone at the studio blackmailed him into making it.

The story finds Fred playing Captain Boll...the skipper of an American sailing ship in the 19th century. Early in the story, some guy sells Boll a slave girl (Ralston) and it turns out she knows the secret to where some treasure is buried. So with her in tow, Boll and his men head back to sea. But soon pirates capture the boat and her crew and it looks as if everyone is screwed.

Unlike a typical Republic release, it's obvious that the studio spent a lot of money making this film. While they were mostly known for B-movies (mostly westerns), here they spent a large sum for the day...$1.25 million to make this movie...a LOT for 1953. Because of this, it's in color and part of it was actually filmed on the Big Island of Hawaii...though much was made closer to home in California.

Despite all this money and effort, however, the story is amazingly limp and also a bit dull. Not a terrible film by any standard, but also not a particularly good one either.
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