13 Reasons Why: House Party (2020)
Season 4, Episode 5
Party Chaos
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
This Episode begins with Clay, he is running at Navy Pier early in the morning. Lainie and Matt want to do a drugtest on Clay and Justin. Clay tested positive on his drugtest. Clay and Justin are both grounded. Clay and Justin go to a party, Justin sees that Clay is using drugs. Clay got some flirting tips from Zach. Clay is flirting with Valerie, she is the daughter of Sheriff Diaz. Clay is kissing with Valerie. Clay has sex with Valerie. Justin got drunk at the party. Clay fights with Aaron. Aaron got heavily wounded. Clay and Zach got into a heavy car accident. Okay Episode of 13 Reasons Why Season 4, this was just okay. Looking forward to the end of the Season!
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