Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
Boom Is the Best Episode of the Series so Far!
18 May 2024
Very Thrilling episode, and I enjoyed it. Boom is the Best so Far, and Is a massive improvement over "Space Babies" and although I did Ultimately enjoy "The Devils Chord" this one-off Episode by Steven Moffat Beats the rest. Doctor Who in Disney form, is shaping up nicely. I hope they can Continue In this way. And The Formula here is the best of the Bunch too.

The perfect way for a Story is for are main Protagonists to have Chemistry between each other. Ncuti Plays the light side of the Doctor very well, and plays of the Dark side to the Doctor, very well too. "Turn it into Dust" the speech he made was great, it finally showed us the dark side of this Doctor. And Ruby continues to have great chemistry between her and the Doctor. And they bounce of each other very well, and they even make me chuckle every know and again with the things they say.

The Pacing of the episode is also at it's best here. It never feels rushed, It never feels like it's going to slow. They only stay In one Location, and It remains Interesting and engaging throughout. The Splice Character has a great relationship with her father, and the episode is touching at times, when Splice is trying to be with her dad. And the intensity of the Situation is highlighted with the Doctor being stuck on a Designated Bomb throughout it's run.

The War Characters even seem to have a great relationship. And the Death of her loved one is really touching, and him being killed in the manner that he was is truly horrific and Dark. And I like the tonal shifts here, this episode isn't afraid to be Dark, and it goes for it. With some great character drama pulling this Episode together.

The Planet they are on, well the Shots and the Cinematography is stunning. The Planet looks wonderful, in space. The Sky Surrounding it has lots of beutiful colours, also showing a light side as well as a dark side to the episode. And the ending with the Snowflake falling was great to see. Some sort of connection to Ruby.

Would I recommend this Episode?,

Yes, Boom is Fundamentaly Fantastic, 9/10.
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