(Re)Solved (2023– )
19 May 2024
You cannot disprove a negative, it is one of the most basic facts of science. It is also a fact that is ignored by this show seems to ignore. The show seems to go with if we can't prove it with concrete evidence, despite police withholding evidence or other missing facts, they will dismiss it as impossible. There is one point where they say many things went wrong leading to the death, but there is no evidence of any curse. The fact that so many different things went wrong, in the only way: option, order etc. That it lead to the death is highly improbable. Some would interpret the high improbability of those mistakes lining up perfectly as proof of a curse and yet the show dismisses the idea of a curse completely assigning it all to perfectly improbable coincidence. Be open to alternative possibilities or don't call it (Re)solved as if you are (Re)investigating anything but in reality you are just sharing the official report.

This show seemed interesting, expecting it to delve into the facts around deaths of famous people and eliminate the rumors. This show is based largely in rumors and speculation but in the end agree with the official report. The one commentator has a bachelors in IT but considers herself an internet sleuth. She does not have a degree in criminal investigations or even investigative journalism or any training in medicine she only knows what she can find on the internet. Which might be why she said that most times cpr is performed if breaks ribs. I originally got my cpr certification 20 years ago and kept renewing it and the fact is you break the sternum but you shouldn't break ribs especially in an adult male. If you do breaks ribs it is usually only a couple not 9. A quick google search resulted in a study in the National Library of Medicine that said only about 26% far from the vast majority the commentator seems to believe it is and calls into question her internet sleuthing ability. There are points where they seem to contradict themselves, like when they say there is no evidence of an injury after saying it was mentioned in the ambulance report by the EMT. It is strange how they seem to pick and choose what they believe, in some cases they believe what appears to be little more than rumors and seem to dismiss legal and/or medical reports. I think in ever episode I saw they agree with the official story and any mystery remains largely or entirely unexplained despite the show being titled (Re)solved as if it adds clarity or facts when it doesn't.
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