Dixon of Dock Green: Firearms Were Issued (1974)
Season 20, Episode 17
Firearms Were Issued
19 May 2024
I saw the repeat of this episode probably some time in the early 1990s or late 1980s. Hence why I had that abiding memory of Dixon stuck behind his police desk with some green walls. It's as miserable as a police station could get.

The events in the episode also had some relevance in the 80s and 90s as well. It was still rare for police to be armed and there were several incidents of unarmed men to be shot by the police. In a few instances, the wrong man.

After receiving a tip off regarding the whereabouts of some armed robbers. Sergeant Dixon arms some of his police officers which includes DI Crawford.

While searching for the armed men in a house. Crawford seems to have tripped and then shots were fired. One of the robber's is wounded. There seems to be no oral warning given by the police officers and guns were found when the robbers were arrested.

Detective Chief Superintendent Donovan (Percy Herbert) has been tasked to find out what happened. The press will have a field day if it comes to light that the men were unarmed.

The officers involved have to justify their actions and they also seem to give conflicting accounts. Even Dixon ends up in conflict with Crawford as he tries to leave the police station.

The outside location shooting in film were murky as to leave the viewer confused as to what happened. So no one has any idea what happened as Donovan tries to put the pieces together.

It was an effective episode as the officers are investigates, be away from their families and not communicate with each other. Donivan is like a bulldog but at the end gets a fair idea as to what occurred.

I still think the show did not clear up that an unarmed man was shot and some of the police officers were not suitably trained as armed officers.

The irony is not lost that the opening and closing speech was given by a police officer who had been shot dead.
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