My Three Sons: The Bride Went Home (1970)
Season 11, Episode 11
20 May 2024
This story is quite common among all sitcoms --the cooking! Polly is a good cook, BUT makes the mistake of adding some ingredients that cause Chip to have an allergic reaction. OMG.

Polly is beside herself, and you really feel sorry for her. It's just one of those things, and watching Chip sick as a dawg is a sight to see. You feel sorry for him too! What a calamity, an episode we all remember. Director Fred De Cordova did his job. By the way, a highlight to this story is the special appearance of Carleton Young, as the doctor, a long time western actor, later a favorite in John Ford westerns.

Great trivia note, Robbie and Katie's triplets are also credited, played by the Todd brothers, born in 1967, Michael, Daniel and Joseph. Michael became the most famous, later becoming a producer as an adult. In this episode they are now nearing 4 years old.

10 Stars for poor Polly, who learns a cooking lesson.

SEASON 11 EPISODE 11 remastered color.
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